I've drank a little to much wine this evening which is dangerous when writing anything so I probably shouldn't be doing this. Please excuse the grammar and all that, you get me?
We, as human beings eat every single day and some fatties (my self included), will eat many times a day. Cooking or preparing food is imminent, just like Christmas, if you don't embrace it, you will not enjoy it.
The main tool in the kitchen is the knife, I'm sure it's a man thing, psycologist would probably say it's an extension to the penis, like a guitar or a massive car. Using that analogy, if it fits in your hand and feels good then great, go for it, chop away at your meat!
But there are good knives and shit knives. Global are a classic rip-off knife, they are made of good steel, but so uncomfortable, you never see a chef using one of them. Anyway I have a large collection of knives, different brands, different shapes, different sizes. I recently purchased a new knife on the basis that it's elder brother (pictured below) being so good.
I highly recommend this brand of knife, Alolon, if you are thinking of investing then get this brand, and I really mean the word investing! Using a good knife will save you time, your fingers, make better food and cooking more pleasurable. This type of knife is a Santoku, which is an japanese veg/meat knife and the sheath protects the blade from becoming blunt in the draw or stops you slicing your hands when rummaging around. The handle is a soft rubber, which is ultra comfortable and the blade is made from an excellent high grade German steel, with a fluted blade to stop veg sticking. Unfortunately I think this knife is now discontinued. The next one on my list is this -
Tojiro Senkou, which is made from folded steel like a samurai sword and I've heard it's scientifically proven to compensate for a small penis! I probably need about 10 of these.